lunes, 2 de junio de 2014

ICT and types of learning about Toys and Games in Mexico

Activity 1.2.2 Which aspects of technology use foster which types of learning? (Core)

Given the references to analyze the ICT and types of learning:

Definitions are taken from Chapters 6-11 in Laurillard, D. (2012). Teaching as a Design Science: Building Pedagogical Patterns for Learning and Technology. New York and London: Routledge.

Laurillard, D. (2014). Types of learning and learning technologies [Video archive]. Available from

I share my activity results:

ICT and types of learning about
Traditional toys and games in Mexico

Learning through:
Students learning about your topic could be using:
Listening to older friends, relatives and people. Reading digital documents about the subject. Visiting dedicated websites, listening to podcasts and watching videos about the subject.
Children invite older friends and or relatives to show traditional games and toys and talk about differences between those and actual massive industrial products. Talks can be in a specific place or delivered through Skype or other VoIP tools.
Asking among older friends, relatives and people. Field trips to dedicated markets and real or virtual museums. Children are welcomed to use digital tools to record images and experiences lived.
Watch and feel the toys and play the games. Interact with thematic software such as the one developed by the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
Kids in groups identify some of the principal types of Mexico`s traditional toys and games and get together in teams to pick their favourite example.
They either develop their own toys with natural materials available and according to their possibilities, or get together to play the game.


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