jueves, 5 de junio de 2014

Activity 1.3.1 (Core) Comparing local experiences

Read the document Chapter 4. 'Vignettes of Innovative Primary Schools' from the UNESCO book ICT in Primary Education, Volume 1: Exploring the origins, settings and initiatives. You can see here some examples of different ways in which schools from 9 different countries use ICT.

Select one that is of interest to you and copy and paste to your Course Journal the ideas and methods that could be relevant to your own school’s plans, or to future policy on the use of ICT in primary schools. We will use this in Activity 1.4.3.

I selected ideas and methods from the Technology of Education Centre, Russian Federation (S4) considering them relevant to future policy on the use of ICT in primary schools.

Students cannot visit school on a regular basis due to their health conditions (some of them have cerebral palsy, others are visually impaired, etc.) and  they learn at a distance in a  Moodle-based environment. Students come occasionally to meet together, go to excursions.

  • Video and audio digital recordings
  • Interaction via web-cameras
  • Online audio and text messaging
  • Scan pictures and text
  • Compose music
  • Collective production of an animated movie

References used

Extract from

Kalaš,I., Laval,E., Laurillard, D., Lim, C.P., Meyer, F., Musgrave, S., Senteni, A.,  Tokareva, N., Turcsányi Szabó, M.(2014). ICT in Primary Education: Volume 1 Exploring the origins, settings, and initiatives. Moscow, Russian Federation: UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education.

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