miércoles, 11 de junio de 2014

Activity 3.2.2 Opportunities for Learning Types (Optional)

Read Chapter 3.1 “Opportunities provided by ICT for teaching and learning in primary schools” from UNESCO Book “ICT in Primary Education. Volume 1: Exploring the origins, settings and initiatives” http://iite.unesco.org/publications/3214707/ pp. 39-46 categorizing the use of ICT tools. 

Select a few examples of ICT-based learning activities that you find interesting, making a note on each within your own Course Journal.

Examples selected:


ICT communication tools

(Hartley, 2007)

"ICT-mediated writing can release students from dealing with many problems associated with writing by hand – like letter formation and alignment – and hence facilitate editing, rewriting and spelling. Freedom from these chores allows them more time for thinking and reflecting about the content of writing."

Personal comment: I find interesting the example because of the transformation in written expression focus. The motor cognition (reflected in handwriting) goes to a second place and special emphasis is given to analysis oriented cognitive processes. Could that be a forecast of what could eventually happen to handwriting? 


ICT construction tools

(Lin et al. , 2011)

"Tangram puzzles are a common topic for primary geometry. Tangram puzzle facilitated 
learning geometry in a computer-supported collaborative learning environment based on Tablet PCs. Advantages of the software were identified: (1) it enhanced the students’ perception of shape rotation and their spatial ability; (2) it improved students’ competence in spatial reasoning and sensing; (3) it increased face-to-face discussions as well as online communications among students; and (4) it boosted students’ critical thinking, confidence and willingness to learn. In addition, teachers also found it easy to summarize and explain the geometrical concepts involved using the virtual Tangram puzzle."

Personal comment: I find this kind of form resources quite appealing. About the same basic theme but in a 3d emulation context there is an iPad and Android game called Monument Valley ( http://ustwo.com/blog/monument-valley-out-now/ ) which rescues. I believe, principles 2, 3 and 4 by discovering a narrative through "a la M.C. Escher" impossible forms.

ICT information tools, tutorial tools and construction tools

(Barker and Ansorge, 2007), (Jermann, Soller, and Mühlenbrock, 2001), 

"Robots as instructional assistants or learning companions enable teachers to provide digital learning content which facilitates students to interact with real learning materials"

Personal comment: In Mexico, roboticss feels like an emergent activity quite appealing to kids. Where I live (Cuernavaca, Morelos), there is a small Science Museum which offers a 20 minute robotics workshop with Lego's NXT intelligent brick. For more enthusiastic kids a local store called Steren offers also some kits to build different types of robots. The only downside is the price going from  £12, to £36 in a State where the minimum daily wage is about £ 2.3 approx.


ICT construction tools

This case wasn't referred in any of the resources given for this activity, but I would like to share it as well since I think it covers this specific classification type:

"Foldscope: Microscopy for everyone

a new approach for mass manufacturing of optical microscopes that are printed-and-folded from a single flat sheet of paper, akin to Origami from a research team at PrakashLab at Stanford University."

The Foldscope site can be reached here: http://www.foldscope.com/10ksignup
The discoveries made with the firs prototpypes can be viewed here: http://www.ted.com/talks/manu_prakash_a_50_cent_microscope_that_folds_like_origami


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